Ballade is a non-profit organisation under local laws of Alsace-Moselle and certified Youth and Popular Education. It was founded in 2001 by Jean-Claude Chojcan and its current president is Perrette Ourisson. The association brings populations and generations together thanks to artistic practices and especially musical ones; thereby working towards social diversity, multiculturalism and an inclusive society.
Ballade organises sociocultural actions for publics which do not have access to culture other than community culture, for economic and sociocultural reasons. With the aim to make musical practice and emotions that come with it available to all; Ballade’s activities are free and without selection.
The pedagogy used by Ballade is based on the non-formal and interactive teaching-learning of music, as well as on a “by ear” instrumental practice. This enables a more natural approach to music and suits neophyte and fragile publics.
The musical repertoire includes traditional music adapting to the specificities and needs of the target audiences. It highlights their native languages and cultures and creates a common musical, cultural and linguistic repertoire.
In order to build an inclusive society, Ballade gathers professional and amateur musicians on stage, during concerts to:
- Encourage the will to play together and live together;
- Highlight and share music from our various roots.
Ballade’s actions also contribute to socio-professional integration, as our music teachers are former participants of our workshops; and are helped by young people in European voluntary service and civic service, taught about pedagogy and the social role of artists by Ballade.
Artistic practice and especially music is a great way to get to know others, fraternise and build tomorrow’s society beyond communities, religions, home countries, social classes, age, genders; in order to set the example of an inclusive and tolerant Europe.

Presentation of Ballade association at RCF radio show ‘Même pas peur’:

Our actions

Educational package
The association Ballade openly offers an educational package containing a repertoire of traditional music from here and elsewhere one can download with music sheets, audio recordings, lyrics and their translations in order to learn music by hearing. This educational package was made for any person willing to learn and/or teach music.